/ Patient service unit

The Patient Service Unit's mission is to welcome the patient and his family, to resolve all kinds of requirements, from questions or concerns related to the operation of the Clinic to suggestions, complaints, requests and / or compliments.

Complaints Management Procedure

Clínica Universidad de los Andes has different channels for patients and relatives to file a complaint.

After the complaint is received by the Clinic, it is sent to the Patient Service Unit, where our assistants compile the case’s background information, enter it on to our service platform and contact the claimant via email to notify reception and response times.

The Patient Service Unit will send the background information to the head of the responsible units and will request the corresponding report. Once the necessary information has been gathered, the claimant will receive an answer in writing and signed by the designated person, by the Technical Director or the Legal Representative.

Complaint responses will be delivered within a period of 15 business days, counted from the first business day following its receipt at Clínica Universidad de los Andes. In the event that the claimant disagrees with the response provided by the Clinic or does not obtain it within the period indicated above, they may appeal to the Chilean Superintendency of Health within 5 business days, starting from the established response date notified or from the end of the referred period of 15 business days.

Available communication channels 

Form available by clicking here

Email: [email protected]

Online services:


Greet a Patient

Request for Medical Documents

Compliments or Complaints


Patient Service Unit:

Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Contact: (56) 22 618 3100 option 6 / [email protected]

3rd floor (Main Access)


Reserva de hora